Category: Uncategorized

Why our approach to the Fourth Trimester is wrong, and what you can do to change it.

This article was first published on the Pure Earth Collection Parenting Blog Written by Megan Murray-Jones, specialising in stress, hormonal rebalance, pre- and post-natal care What is the Fourth Trimester? The Fourth Trimester is a relatively new term, describing the 3 months after your baby is born. However, it has always been associated with the baby; we […]

Non negotiable self care

I write this as my kids watch their ‘non-negotiable’ CBeebies; always at 3pm, always a time when I don’t wash dishes, clean the house or put on laundry; I always do something just for me.  We have been in lockdown for over 12 weeks now which means almost 3 months of the invisible load of […]

Fourth Trimester Treatment

You may have seen my article on the Fourth Trimester Treatment in the AOR magazine Reflexions. If you haven’t, here is the article in full and I hope you enjoy it. Meg Murray Jones specialises in postnatal reflexology with her Fourth Trimester Treatment. Here she shares why postnatal reflexology is so important – and so […]

Finding the U in Mum

We are offered support, love and care throughout pregnancy, but as soon as we give birth all that focus is diverted to the baby. Whilst our baby is worthy of all this attention, our society has forgotten how to nurture the post-natal mum; this leaves her exhausted from birth, sleep deprived and sometimes physically or […]

The value of you

How much time do you get for you in a day? I don’t mean eating lunch in front of your desk, putting on a wash, calling a friend you have not spoken to in a while. I mean genuine you time; time in solitude to get to know yourself. If this sounds like a scary […]

All it takes is 10 mindful minutes

How often do we take time to ourselves to just be in the moment? Research from Harvard University discovered that we spend 47% of our time lost in thoughts. Wouldn’t it be good, emotionally and physically, to be able to re-connect with the mind? Mindfulness expert Andy Puddicombe describes the transformative power of doing just […]