Being Mum festival: October 12th & 13th

In 2018 there was more than 78,000 Google searches monthly for ‘pregnancy’ and ‘pregnant’ in the UK (Source: Google adwords)

So Kate and Emma created Being Mum festival. A weekend for those trying to conceive, mums-to-be and new mums designed to educate, inform and nurture. As Kate and Emma say:

‘Our aim is to save you from falling down the Google black hole by providing a safe space where trusted experts can answer all your questions on all things pre & post natal.

In our day jobs we work in branding, advertising, marketing communications & strategy. BEING gives us a chance to put everything we learn in our day jobs towards a worth while mission – looking after the mental and physical health of other mummas.’

I am thrilled to be part of the Being Mum team. I will be providing reflexology treatments on both days: for pregnant and post-natal women. If you want to ask any questions or reserve a space before the event just email me at

And for more information on the event and how to book, go to the Being Mum website.

Being mum

You can watch the teaser to the festival here

2-day Health and Wellness Festival for those trying to conceive, mummas-to-be and new mummas

HKX Building, London Kings Cross, 12-13th October 2019

Designed to enhance the wellbeing of mummas